
Shape the future together!

Our unique combination of data analytics, data science and stategic consulting creates the ideal foundation for you to make the best stategic decsions for your organization's future.

Private companies, the public sector inc. legislators, and all other types of organizations can benefit from our broad expertise and our meticulous approach to projects: scientifically sound, but always with an eye on the practical implementation of the results.

Our mission is clear: together we can develop and deliver business, strategy and technology solutions that meet your requirements and deliver the desired results.

"Here is a quote from the client or from IPE itself. Lorem Ipsum aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum."

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Publication of the new brand identity

The internal change is followed by an external one: The new logo and the new website symbolise our self-image as an innovative data analytics consultancy.


Charlotte Rathke becomes Managing Director

After two years as project manager, Charlotte Rathke becomes the CEO of IPE at the beginning of 2022.

Together with Inés Lucero (Head of Administration), she now forms the management team.


More than 10 employees for the first time

With the addition of new staff in October 2021, the IPE team consists of more than 10 people for the first time.


New head office in Frankfurt am Main

After initially being based in Wiesbaden, the office was relocated to Frankfurt am Main at the beginning of 2016. Due to the growing number of employees, the office moved to its current location in Frankfurt, directly on Walter-von-Cronberg-Platz, in 2017.


Foundation of the IPE

At the beginning of 2012, Prof. Ashok Kaul founded the IPE as a spin-off of Saarland University. The registered office is in Saarbrücken.


In order to offer you customised solutions of the highest quality in every sector and on every topic, we work closely with industry experts and our research network.

Through regular interdisciplinary knowledge transfer, we cover diverse areas and segments, such as from the consumer goods, mobility or energy sectors.



Contact us directly and let's talk about a possible collaboration.