Solutions > Business Intelligence


Business Intelligence

The targeted use of data can support you in creating a basis for strategic decisions and optimising your processes. In close collaboration with you and your team, IPE designs an individual approach for integrating the evaluation of data into your business strategy.

Price elasticities

Optimise your pricing strategy with our price elasticity analysis. We measure the sensitivity of your customers' demand to price changes and help you adjust your prices accordingly.

Influencing factors analysis

Our influencing factor analysis helps you identify the relevant factors that have an impact on your business processes. With the help of our expertise in analysing large amounts of data, we can provide you with important bases for decision-making.

Potential analysis

Our potential analysis examines your data to identify untapped potential and opportunities. We analyse your data in terms of trends, patterns and correlations and evaluate its potential to highlight opportunities for improving your business processes and decisions.

Profitability calculations

We help you understand your company's financial performance by analysing your key figures in detail. With our profitability calculation, you can determine the profitability of your various products, services and business areas and thus uncover potential for improvement.

Exploratory data analysis

We can help you identify hidden patterns and relationships in your data. Our exploratory data analysis is an important tool to optimise your business processes, minimise risks and discover new business opportunities.

Predictive analytics

We help you use your data to predict future events. With our advanced technology and experienced team, we can build models that provide predictions on various aspects of your business such as customer behaviour, sales forecasting and risk management.

Process Mining

We analyse and visualise your data sources to understand your processes. Process mining identifies unexpected workflows, detects bottlenecks and improves the efficiency and quality of your products or services.

Further solutions ...

Are you still missing further starting points around the topic of Business Intelligence?
Please feel free to contact us. Together we will find a solution - suitable for your question and your industry.



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